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The Secure Attachment Experience

A 12-week journey of attachment healing in a warm and caring community.




Are you aware of attachment patterns, but have not yet found a way to make deeper changes and experience more security in your relationships?

Learn more about how the 12-week program can support you on September 18th!


3 main things we will cover 


The Journey to Secure

Discover the science and wisdom around what it means to move to an inner state of secure attachment dynamics. Get familiar with the lived experience and insight of thousands of people who have done attachment work to make this deep inner change.


A warm community

Our experience and the positive feedback around why our programs work is mainly due to one thing: the beautiful people you interact with in the community. To feel safe and met with warmth, care, respect, and attunement is so valuable and even crucial to attachment healing. This makes it possible to experience, what is believed by the research field to be the main healing therapeutic mechanism: a corrective experience. Learn more about this in the session!


Attachment Work -

A Personal Practice

Learn more about how you will receive guidance and support to find the resources and practices tailored to your situation and needs. You are invited to engage with tools to heal attachment, ranging from self-regulation skills and interpersonal awareness to relationship repairs and healing self-awareness.

Let's Get Started

Join the Free Info Session

September 18th at 6-7 PM CET

Get a taste of all the modules, engage with others on the same path and start your journey toward

Secure Attachment

As you start your journey with us, you will get access to guidance from our psychologist and therapist together with the curated resources filled with wisdom and science of secure attachment dynamics.

A comprehensive program for integrative attachment work



2 weekly 

On Wednesdays you are invited to dive in the knowledge and theory for the week. On Sundays we meet to practice share and integrate what we have learned and experienced during the week through your homework of choice. Learn more about our transformative learning philosophy, therapeutic approach to the community format.
Get inspired by the mix of theory and embodied practice!

The Secure Attachment Practices

Learn practical tools!
The kind of changes we see in our life are of course partly connected to our level of motivation and commitment to the process. This varies for all of us and no matter if you feel that just showing up and watching the replays is enough, or if you want to engage with all the material and community activities, it's all good. You are warmly 

Attachment Based Resources

We provide a curated attachment based content throughout the 12 weeks that will support you during our time together.

Start here and now!

--- Get a preview ---

The mindset of attachment change that you can learn and commit to here and now


The 12 Modules Preview 

Module 1

The Journey to Secure

Embark on the journey toward secure attachment in a cutting-edge group format including deep sharing and support, somatic grounding meditations, and live coaching. Our beacon on this first meeting together is vulnerability and compassion. In this foundational 4-hour session we set the tone and culture for this 12-week journey while understanding the existential value of living from a state of secure inner dynamics.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding the concept of the secure base
  • Gaining insight into different attachment patterns and foundational attachment psychology
  • Learning the attachment continuum model
  • Understanding the importance of narrative coherence and personal rituals of safe space
  • Personal attachment-related goals # 1
  • Applying the attachment practice model
  • Understanding levels of engagement and how it relates to progress

Module 2

The Roots of Attachment

The unconscious source of our relational identity is within attachment theory called Internal Working Models, and we could think of them as relational archetypal truths, but even more simply put, as core beliefs. These are internalized truths about our interpersonal self and unconscious assumptions and expectations of others, ourselves, and the dynamic between us.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding how our attachment patterns are formed during childhood
  • Gaining deeper insight into your attachment style
  • Learning how core beliefs influence your relationships daily
  • Experiencing the emotions related to met and unmet attachment needs
  • Learning tools to transform core beliefs
  • Personal attachment-related goals # 2




Module 3

How to change your attachment style as an adult

Learn the essential experiences, mindset, tools, and stories of change that support us in the work of healing and transformation.

Understanding attachment change can have profound implications, as it provides insights into how we can heal from past attachment wounds and develop more secure and fulfilling relationships in adulthood. The journey to attachment security is a complex and profound one, with the potential to bring about positive change and emotional well-being

Moreover, working on three key types of relationships—relationships with family of origin, relationships with oneself, and relationships with others—results in increased attachment security.

Learning Objectives:

  • Exploring the mindset of doing attachment work (expectations, resilience, and psychological change theory)
  • Gaining deeper insight into the different components of attachment repair


Have We Met?

Hi, I'm Martin
Welcome to The Secure Base Lab

Clinical Psychologist
Professional Coach

We need a holistic approach when healing deep relationship wounds in our lives. That is why we bring together practices and perspectives from a wide range of sources in the 12-week program: both evidence-based research and the lived expertise deeply rooted in thousands of people who have moved from an insecure attachment to a more secure state of being. 

About Martin

  • Martin has studied attachment for 12 years and has published research on the topic. He also has a degree in sexology.
  • As a coach trainer, he has certified some 100+ ICF coaches.
  • Passionate about the evolution of healing, he founded The Secure Base Lab — a growing community for attachment and relationship healing
  • Martin lives in the countryside with his partner and is a grateful father of two boys

The Wisdom and Science of Attachment Work

What is Integrative Attachment Work?

The purpose of integrative approaches is to draw from what works in different fields of attachment work. This is meant to avoid one sided modalities and to use the strength of both the bottom-up and top-down approach, including the emotional, somatic, cognitive and spiritual/existential.

What can you expect from the 12 weeks?

Living from an inner state of secure attachment will increasingly unlock your resources and capacity for real intimacy, authenticity, and independence. With earned security, you have the trust and capacity to care for both your own needs and those of others, and you feel confident in your ability to repair ruptures and conflicts with the people you care about.

Attachment work is the most profound way to heal and create healthy relationships. The missing key in psychological healing is often the process of moving from an insecure to a secure state of being. Our 12-week program will equip you with the tools and practices to empower you on the journey toward a secure attachment.

Your Path to Secure Attachment

- a personal practice

The healing of attachment takes place in relationships to others. At the same time we also need to find a security and change our relationship to our self. Finding authentic autonomy also supports true intimacy. Learn more on how we create this during the 12 weeks!

Meet previous participants

  • What is it like doing it together in a group?
  • How did it make a difference in their life?
  • The up's and down's of attachment work
  • Finding your personal growth edge

Engage in a unique opportunity to ask questions in a personal break-out room


“the power of …doing it together”

”Having the opportunity to share difficult things in a group and be lovingly received was very meaningful to me, as it acts as an antidote to isolation. Also, witnessing the vulnerability and courage of others gave me the self-acceptance and awareness I needed to feel better."


“inner changes”

"Coming from an avoidant attachment, I can now see how I've distanced myself and how I've used drugs to compensate for unexpressed needs and emotions. Thanks to the course I've found a place in myself where I feel safe and calm without having to run away."


“It's such a change...”

"The facilitator created such a warm and safe spacetogether with the amazing participants! This has been an unforgettable journey that truly touched the deepest parts of me.


The Secure Attachment Experience Info Session